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What are the Benefits of Using an Applicant Tracking System?

Written by payday | Oct 10, 2023 12:00:00 PM

In today's competitive job market, top employers are not only posting their job openings on online job boards but also utilizing software to monitor and track the application process. By keeping track of who's applying and who's being hired, organizations can better evaluate their hiring process and improve their chances of securing the best candidates.

If your business is not utilizing a robust applicant tracking system (ATS), there are numerous benefits to using an ATS. Here is how an ATS could enhance your company's hiring process.

Streamlined Recruitment Process

An applicant tracking system is excellent for streamlining the recruitment process by automating the sorting of countless applications. Most obviously, this optimizes recruiters' time since they don’t have to sift through each application submitted.

In many cases, a tracking system can also better identify the applicants that should be contacted for the next step in the hiring process. Hiring managers and recruiters can easily miss a good application among the myriad of mediocre ones. A tracking system never fatigues or glosses over one, however.

High-Visibility Job Postings

Efficient talent acquisition begins with an applicant tracking system ensuring job postings are seen by the greatest number of qualified candidates.

Keyword-rich postings can be automatically put on the best online job boards. Optimize a single posting, and then it'll be repopulated whenever the automated schedule is set. If an applicant that’s further along in the interview process doesn’t work out, the posting can easily be renewed to find a new batch of candidates.

Enhanced Candidate Experience

Automated tracking systems don’t just benefit the employer, but they also make the job application process easier for applicants themselves. Finding relevant job postings for which they’re qualified is quicker and more accessible, and an ATS can give applicants automatic status updates on their applications anytime.

In other words, applicants stay informed. It doesn’t hurt that this leads to recruiters getting fewer phone calls and emails, too.

Data-Driven Decisions

Using key performance indicators, an applicant tracking system can help recruiters make data-driven decisions. They get the data needed to make informed decisions about individual applicants and can analyze data to see how the hiring process might be improved overall.

Cost-Effective Recruitment

The efficiency of an applicant tracking system can directly lead to cost savings. In addition to reducing the labor that hiring requires, finding the best candidates can lead to a lower turnover rate. That’s saving both now and in the future.

Seamless Integration with HR Tools

Naturally, the best applicant tracking systems seamlessly integrate with other modern HR tools, allowing for a smooth transition from applicant to employee.

Improve Your Hiring With ATS

If you're not currently enjoying the benefits of an applicant tracking system that performs all of these functions, it's time to enhance your recruitment strategy with Payday Payroll's cutting-edge Applicant Tracking System. Learn how our solutions can transform your talent acquisition process.